23 Aug 2011

How to encourage scribbling? / Kako podsticati žvrljanje?

Very often, first scribbling starts as a child pounds the pencil on the paper. The sound that the child hears as doing this, encourages him to continue pounding. Since the pencil leaves a visual trace on the paper, the kid notes cause and effect.
I love playing 'visual games' with my kids. These are little invented games that result in something visual (such as here and here).They are so designed to direct the child to the process or action, not the product.
We can encourage children to scribble with questions  relating to sound, movement of the pencil, it's direction: How loud can your pencil make a sound? What kind of sounds can it make? How fast (high) can it jump? Can the pencil crawl? Is it possible to spin it? Can it pop on to the top of paper? Can it come down?
Even though toddlers and very young kids, actually don't need encouraging scribbling, since it is so natural to them, this is a very nice way to just play with them. Even older kids will enjoy this game.

Vrlo često, prva žvrljanja počinju tako što dete udara olovkom po papiru. Zvuk koji dete čuje, ohrabruje ga da nastavi sa udaranjem. Pošto olovka ostavlja i vidljiv trag na papiru, dete vizuelno uočava uzrok i posledicu.
Volim da se igram "likovnih igara" sa svojom decom. To su male izmišljene igre koje imaju za posledicu nešto vizuelno (kao npr. ovde i ovde). Tako su smišljene da usmere dete na proces ili akciju, a ne na proizvod.
Npr. pitanjima koja se odnose na zvuk, kretanje, pravac, možemo podsticati dete da žvrlja: Koliko glasno može da se čuje tvoja olovka? Koliko brzo (visoko) može da skače? Može li da puzi? Može li da se vrti? Može li da se popone do vrha papira? A da se spusti?
Iako veoma maloj  deci, zapravo ne treba podsticaj da bi žvrljala, jer to rade spontano i prirodno, ovo je lep način da se poigramo sa njima. Čak će i malo starija deca uživati u ovoj igri.

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