28 Dec 2013

A Stained Glass Chain, part 2 / Vitraž-lanac, deo 2

This is the stained glass that we used for making the chain.

Ovo je vitraž koji smo napravili (o tome sam pisala ovde
i koji smo koristili kao novi materijal za izradu lanca.

I hope that you will understand the process through the photos.

Nadam se da fotografije dovoljno jasno prikazuju proces izrade.

26 Dec 2013

A Stained Glass Chain, part 1 / Vitraž-lanac, deo 1

To create a stained glass chain we used transparent cellophane in various colors (candy wrappers that we collected), transparent contact paper, wide scotch tape, scissors and a stapler. First we made stained glass, and this post is about it.

Za izradu vitraž-lanca koristili smo providne celofane u boji (omotače od bombona koje smo sakupili), transparentnu samolepljivu foliju, široku selotejp traku, makaze i heftalicu. Prvo smo napravili vitraže i ovaj post je o tome.

V handles scissors quite skillfully, but in order to facilitate  that baby Z can successfully use them too, I cut the cellophane into stripes (a procedure used in Montesoro to master the use of scissors).

V već vrlo vešto barata makazama, ali da bih olakšala bebi Z da i ona može uspešno da ih koristi, celofan sam joj isekla na trake (postupak koji se koristi u Montesoriju za savladavanje upotrebe makaza).

Strips of cellophane were then cut into small pieces.

Trake od celofana su, potom, isekli na male komadiće.

Then I taped a large piece of transparent contact paper to the table, sticky side up.

Potom sam zalepila veliko parče transparentne samolepljive folije za sto, lepljivom stranom na gore. 

Children laid little pieces of colored cellophane on the adhesive surface.

Deca su ređala komadiće obojenog celofana po lepljivoj površini. 

Someone did it like this.

Neko ovako.

And someone did it like this.

A neko ovako.

After they finished, I taped the sticky surface with a wide scotch tape  (as shown in the photo above).

Kada su završili, širokom selotejp trakom sam prekrila lepljivu površinu (kao što je prikazano na fotografiji gore), tako da više ne bude lepljiva. 

This is how we made stained glass that would look beautiful on the window, but we used them as a material for making the stained glass chain.

Tako smo dobili vitraže, koje smo mogli okačiti na prozor, ali mi smo ih iskoristili kao materijal za dalji rad. O tome u sledećem postu.

23 Dec 2013

Sweet Countdown / Slatko odbrojavanje

This is our advent calendar for this year. Very simple and easyto make. There are two pieces of candy in each paper bundle, so the kids have to share them. 

Ovo su naši ovogodišnji slatki paketići. Najjednostavniji do sada: najobičniji pak-papir i malo crvene vune. U svakom paketiću se nalaze po dva komadića nečeg slatkog: bombona, čokoladica, lizalica, tako da deca moraju svaki paketić da podele. A da li dele ili ne, posmatra Deda Mraz!  

15 Dec 2013

Little Princess Crowns / Male princezine krune

When you have a castle you need a crown, too. Or a few crowns. These are so simple to make out of a toilet-paper tube, some paint and a rubber band.

Kada imate dvorac, treba vam i kruna, zar ne? Ili nekoliko kruna. Ove su veoma jednostavne za izradu - prave se od rolne toalet papira, malo boje i gumice. Da bi se deca što manje umazala bojom prilikom oslikavnja, nakačila sam krunice na rolne od papira (kao što se vidi na slici). 
Krunce su veoma lepe i kao ukrasi na jelci.

24 Oct 2013

Shadow theatre / Pozorište senki

When given an opportunity and freedom to do things their own way, kids always surprise me in a most fantastic way. I had a completely different idea and vision for making the screen for our shadow theatre and puppets that we made the other day. But, the kids couldn't wait for the screen to be made, and they decided to use our decorative paravane instead (that was also once handmade and was used for other purposes). So here is what they made! All by themselves! "The Jungle Book".

This is the backstage. A very busy backstage.

After experimenting with the stage (screen) design and shadows, they turned over to explore the sounds and instruments! The backstage fun was as exciting as the front one!

20 Oct 2013

Puppets for a shadow theatre / Lutkice za pozorište senki

I like these simple ways to extend children's drawings into toys for playing. V loves to draw and loves to play, too.  Here, he drewg with a white pen on black construction paper – the characters from his favourite Jungle book, but then he drew some more animals from the jungle, and from the savana, too.

Veoma volim jednostavne načine da se dečiji crteži pretvore u igračke. V voli da crta i obožava da se igra. Ovde je crtao tankim belim markerom na crnom pastel-papiru likove iz omiljene mu Knjige o džungli, ali onda je dodao još neke životinje iz džungle, a i neke iz savane. 

Aha. Now I see a fox, too. And a puppy. That's the kids way.
Sad vidim da se prošunjala i jedna lisica, a i jedno malo kuče. To je taj dečiji pristup.

After V drew all the characters (and baby Z drew some too - first drawing to the left :), I cut out the drawings and wee fixed them to these wooden sticks.

Nakon što je V nacrtao sve likove (a i beba Z je dala svoj doprinos - prvi crtež levo na fotografiji gore), isekla sam ih po konturi i zajedno smo ih zalepili na drvene štapiće.

And now all thats left is some mini puppet theatre to enjoy before we make a canvas or paper screen for a real shadow theatre play.
Sada je ostalo još da se uživa u mini pozorišnoj predstavi sa papirnim lutkama, pre nego što napravimo paravan za pravo pozorište senki.

11 Oct 2013

Drawing and eating lunch / Crtanje rucka i rucanje

Whenever the kids don't have a toy or an item they need for their play – they draw it. I love this simple, inventive attitude to solving problems. What is more fascinating is how satisfied they are playing with their handmade toys and how deeply they get envolved in the play. It seems that it realy doesn't matter what the toy is, but what the kid can do with it. Here we have some lunch drawn for playing and eating a very healthy meal full of delicious veggies that grow in our garden. 

Kad god (moja) deca nemaju neku igračku ili predmet koji im je neophodan za igru - oni ga nacrtaju. Obožavam ovaj jednostavni, inventivni pristup rešavanju problema. Ono što je još zanimljivije - je zadovoljstvo sa kojim koriste nacrtane igračke u svojoj igri. Izgleda da zaista nije važno kakva je igračka, već šta sve dete može s njom raditi u igri. Ovde imamo nacrtani ručak za igranje i ručanje jednog vrlo zdravog obroka punog ukusnog povrća koji raste u našoj bašti.

Here we see V drawing some candy, cake, lollipops, chocolate and ice-cream so he and baby Z can have after lunch.
Ovde V crta bombone, kolače, lizalice, čokoladu i sladoled tako da on i beba Z mogu da se zaslade posle ručka. 

And baby Z drew some spaghetti...
A beba Z je nacrtala špagete...

 ...and some green peas...
...i malo graška...

And then they rushed to eat it all...
A onda su navalali da sve pojedu...

...yum yum yum...
...njam njam njam...

And some sweets for the end. Delicious!
I malo slatkiša za kraj. Ukusno!