I like these simple ways to extend children's drawings into toys for playing. V loves to draw and loves to play, too. Here, he drewg with a white pen on black construction paper – the characters from his favourite Jungle book, but then he drew some more animals from the jungle, and from the savana, too.
Veoma volim jednostavne načine da se dečiji crteži pretvore u igračke. V voli da crta i obožava da se igra. Ovde je crtao tankim belim markerom na crnom pastel-papiru likove iz omiljene mu Knjige o džungli, ali onda je dodao još neke životinje iz džungle, a i neke iz savane.
Aha. Now I see a fox, too. And a puppy. That's the kids way.
Sad vidim da se prošunjala i jedna lisica, a i jedno malo kuče. To je taj dečiji pristup.
After V drew all the characters (and baby Z drew some too - first drawing to the left :), I cut out the drawings and wee fixed them to these wooden sticks.
Nakon što je V nacrtao sve likove (a i beba Z je dala svoj doprinos - prvi crtež levo na fotografiji gore), isekla sam ih po konturi i zajedno smo ih zalepili na drvene štapiće.
And now all thats left is some mini puppet theatre to enjoy before we make a canvas or paper screen for a real shadow theatre play.
Sada je ostalo još da se uživa u mini pozorišnoj predstavi sa papirnim lutkama, pre nego što napravimo paravan za pravo pozorište senki.