28 Dec 2013

A Stained Glass Chain, part 2 / Vitraž-lanac, deo 2

This is the stained glass that we used for making the chain.

Ovo je vitraž koji smo napravili (o tome sam pisala ovde
i koji smo koristili kao novi materijal za izradu lanca.

I hope that you will understand the process through the photos.

Nadam se da fotografije dovoljno jasno prikazuju proces izrade.


CreativaCale said...

Slatko a najlepse od svega jer je zajadnicka zabava za klince.Srecnu nOvu godinu ti zelim.

Make and Play said...

Hvala draga Cale, takodje :)!!!!

Cassi said...

This is a very cool idea! I can just imagine how gorgeous it is with the light coming though. I'll be sharing your idea on The Crafty Crow soon :)