In this post I wrote about our favourite Octopus cookies that actually never become octopuses. Here, we made them again, and V made small snakes this time.
Why do I insist to always make new shapes, and never to make octopuses? It is not that I don't like octopuses or something like that. It is beacuse I am trying to show V that the same material (in this case cookie dough) can always be used in new and new ways. And that is one among other things that creativity is about.
U ovom postu sam pisala o našim omiljenim kolačima - Hobotnicama, koji zapravo nikada ne postanu hobotnice. Ovde smo ih ponovo pravili, i V ih je napravio u obliku zmijica.
Zašto insistiram da uvek pravimo drugačiji oblik ili da koristimo testo na drugačiji način, a da ne pravimo hobotnice? Ne radi se o tome da ne volim hobotnice ili nešto slično tome. To je zato što pokušavam da pokažem V-u da se isti materijal (u ovom slučaju testo za kolače, ali važi i za sve druge likovne i nelikovne materijale) može koristiti uvek na nov i iznova nov način. A to je jedna od odlika kreativnosti.
And for those I promised here goes the recipe:
125g (4oz) soft margarine
125g (4oz) caster sugar
1 medium egg
3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
175g (6oz) plain flour
greased baking tray
1. Mix the sugar and margarine in a bowl until they are creamy
2. Sift the flour and the cocoa into the bowl. Add the egg and mix them well to make dough
3. Use your hands to press the dough into a large ball. Wrap it in plastic foodwrap.
4. Put the wrapped dough into a freezer for 30 minutes or into the fridge for an hour.
5. Cut the dough in half. Put half of it back into the fridge. Use the rest to make your cookies in what
ever shape you and your kid like.
6. Transfer your cookies onto a baking tray.
7. Make cookies from the rest of the dough.
8. Bake them for 10-12 minutes at 190C or 375F.
Bon appetit!
A za one kojima sam obećala evo i recepta:
125g margarina
125g čećera u prahu
1 srednje jaje
3 supene kašike kakaoa
175g belog brašna
podmazan pleh
1. Kremasto umešati šećer i margarin
2. Dodati brašno, kakao i jaje i sve umešati dok se ne napravi testo. Zatim dobro umesiti i napraviti loptu.
3. Umotati loptu od testa u pvc foliju ili kesicu za zamrzivač i staviti u friz 30 minuta, ili u frižider 1 sat.
4. Nakon toga iseći testo na 2 dela. Jedan deo vratiti u frižider, a od drugog napraviti keks u nekom
5. Prenesite keks u podmazan pleh.
6. Napraviti keks i od presotalog dela testa.
7. Peći u rerni na 190C 10-12 minuta.