28 Mar 2011

Tasteful Drawings / Mirisni i ukusni crteži

We can draw on a variety of surfaces, and with different tools, not only with pencils and markers on paper. This is what I am trying to show my kids through different activites and experiences. Every surface has its own nature and qualities, every tool leaves a trace in its own way. Some surfaces are resistant, it is difficult to draw on them, other are to easy to draw on... To draw with markers and to draw with pen and ink are two very different things, two different feelings, two different experiences.
Here, V is drawing with a toothpick on a very tasteful cookie-dough which we call "Octopuses". We call them this way because the dough recepie that we use is from this book, in which it is made into octopuse shape.
We often use this dough recepie to make cookies because it is very tasteful, easy and simple to make, yet we still didn't make them into the octopuse-shape. 
Dough can be manipulated and experimented with in many different ways and it would be a pitty to use it only to make one shape suggested by the recepie.
In the days that come I shall post some photos of our octopuse-cookies, that never actually became octopuses.

Crtati se može na raznim podlogama, i sa različitim alatkama, ne samo olovkama ili flomasterima po papiru. To pokušavam da pokažem svojoj deci kroz različite aktivnosti. Svaka podloga ima svoje osobine, svaka alatka ostavlja trag na svoj način. Neke podloge pružaju otpor, teško ih je savladati, po nekima ruka prosto klizi nekontrolisano... Crtati flomasterom i crtati tušem i perom nije isto. To su dve potpuno različite stvari, dva različita osečaja, dva različita iskustva.
Ovde V crta čačkalicom po testu za preukusne kolače -"hobotnice".  Mi ih zovemo "hobotnice" zbog toga što koristimo recept iz knjige Big Book of Things to Do u kojoj su od navedenog testa napravljeni kolačići u obliku hobotnica.
Često pravimo kolačiće od ovog testa, jer je vrlo jednostavno i ukusno, ali još uvek ih nismo napravili u obliku hobotnica. Testo nudi previše mogućnosti za istraživanje i igranje da bismo ga sveli uvek i samo na jedan oblik koji se nudi kroz neki recept.
U nekim od narednih postova pokušaću da postavim fotografije naših kolačića "hobotnica" koji nikada nisu postali hobotnice.

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