1 Apr 2011

Playdough and buttons / Testo i dugmad

Small kids love playing with homemade playdough. There are a lot of recepies out there, but we use this one: 
- 2 cups plain flour
- 1 cup salt
- 2/3 cup water
- 1 tablespoon cooking oil
Combine flour and salt. Add water and oil. Mix until ingredients are combined. Knead well! If the consistency is to wett, add more flour. If it is to dry, add some water. 
I found some buttons around the house and I thought - why not present them to V and see what will happen if combined with playdough. I gave him the dough and a cup filled with buttons, and here's what he did. 
First he played with the dough (kneading it, punching it, rolling it, squeezing it...) Then he made balls, and turned them in to pancakes. Then he started adding buttons squeezing them into the surface of the pancake. Mosaic? Why not.
In this way we could use other materials as well such as little stones and pebbels, beans, sea-shells...etc.

Mala deca veoma vole da se igraju sa testom. Postoji veliki broj različitih recepata za testo za igranje, ali mi volimo da koristimo ovaj:
- 2 čaše belog brašna
- 1 čaša soli
- 3/4 čaše vode
- 1 supena kašika ulja
Brašno i so pomešati a zatim dodati vodu i ulje. Mešati dok se svi sastojci ne sjedine. Izvaditi smesu na dasku i mesiti testo dok ne postane meko i elastično. Ukoliko je testo gnjecavo dodajte malo brašna i obrnuto, i ukoliko je suviše suvo i raspada se - dodajte malo vode.
U kući sam pronašla malu količinu dugmadi i odlučila da ih ponudim V zajedno sa testom i vidim šta će se desiti. V se prvo igrao samo sa testom - gnječio ga je, utiskivao prstiće, čupkao, valjao, mesio...
Zatim je napravio nekoliko loptica, pritisnuo ih dlanom i pretvorio u palačinke, u koje je potom utiskivao dugmad. Mozaik? Zašto da ne.
Na ovaj način se umesto dugmadi mogu koristiti i drugi materijali kao što su npr. kamečići ili obluci, pasulj, školjke, itd.

After that we tried to imprint the texture of the buttons into the dough, and it was interesting as well. We got some beautiful textures. 
Due to the salt in the dough, after dried (after a few days) the dough hardens.

Nakon toga smo probali da otisnemo teksturu dugmadi u testo i bilo je isto veoma zanimljivo. Dobili smo neke veoma zanimljive teksture u testu.
Zahvaljujući soli dodatoj brašnu, nakon što se osuši (posle nekoliko dana), testo će se stvrdnuti kao kamen.

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