25 Aug 2012

How Many Kinds of Green / Koliko zelenih nijansi

We are surrounded by green, here. A beautiful color! But is it only one color? 
When talking about color-mixing people usually say: "We add white to a specific color to get a brighter tone, and black - to get a darker tone". But actually color-mixing is much much more then this simplified statement. In order to mix and get a specific color, one has to search for it, and try out different combinations.  What would happen for example, to a green color if we added some yellow, or some red, or orange, or a pinch of dark-blue, or some amount of light-blue, or gray, or pink, or violet, and then again some green... Mixing colors is an exploration adventure, not a prescribed recipe. In order to make children understand the concept of 'many kinds of one color' - nature can be our best helper! Just observing, talking about and spotting (in an 'I spy game') these gentle differences of one color - is a good exercise for little kid's eyes. So, choose a color, take a look around yourself, and try to see - how many kinds of it, can you see?

Ovde smo okruženi zelenom. Prelepom bojom! Ali, da li je to samo jedna boja?
Kada razgovaram sa ljudima o mešanju boja, obično kažu: "Dodamo belu u određenu boju da dobijemo svetliju nijansu, ili crnu boju - da dobijemo tamniju nijansu". Ali mešanje boja je mnogo mnogo više od toga. Da bismo dobili određenu nijansu neke boje, moramo tragati za njom, isprobavati različite kombinacije boja. Šta će se desiti, npr. sa zelenom bojom ako u nju dodamo malo žute, ili malo crvene, ili narandžaste, ili mrvicu tamno-plave, ili dosta svetlo-plave, ili sivu, ili ljubičastu, pa onda ponovo malo zelene? Mešanje boja je istraživačka avantura, a ne gotov recept. Da bismo pomogli deci da razumeju koncept "mnogobrojnih nijansi jedne boje" - priroda nam može mnogo pomoći! Samo posmatranje, razgovor o, ili opažanje (u igri pronalaženja određene nijanse) - je dobra vežbica za malene dečje oči. Tako da, odaberite jednu boju, pogledajte oko sebe i otkrijte - koliko njenih nijansi možete da vidite?


Kierna C said...

Thanks for this post, sometimes here in Ireland we take 'green' for granted, i will lokka t it with new eyes in the coming weeks, Kierna

huana said...

Ajme,i samoj mi je ovo izazov,pronaći riječi kojima opisati sve te boje! Baš kao što kaže Kierna,gledat ću novim očima na prirodu!