4 Nov 2011

A House for Fairy-Babies / Kućica za bebe-vile

Fairy houses are small nature structures for the fairies and other nature friends to visit. Building a fairy house is a simple activity from the repertoire of Waldorf nature-inspired activities. Creating a fairy house encourages children to go outside and connect with the natural world, and at the same time it nurtures care and respect for the nature.
All you need to build a fairy house are some natural items (leaves, sticks, pebbels), a little imagination and a pinch of magic! 

Kućice za vile su male strukture od prirodnih materijala (grančica, lišća, kamenčića...) napravljene za vile i druga šumska bića. Građenje kućica za vile je jednostavna aktivnost iz repertoara Valdorf aktivnosti inspirisanih prirodom. Pravljenje ovih kućica podstiče decu da izađu napolje, da provode vreme u prirodi, razvijajući istovremeno odnos poštovanja i ljubavi prema njoj.
Sve što je neophodno da bi se napravila kućica za vilu je malo sakupljenih prirodnih materijala, malo mašte i prstohvat magije!

I thought that it would be interesting to make a house for a fairy baby. If we made it with enough love and care, maybe, just maybe, a fairy baby would come and sleep in it.
So we made it with much love and much care, and went to sleep.
And this is what we found in the morning:

Pomislila sam da bi bilo jako lepo napraviti i kućicu za male bebe vile. Ukoliko bismo je napravili sa puno ljubavi i pažnje, onda bi možda, kozna, bebe vile došle i spavale u njoj.
Tako smo napravili kućicu sa puno ljubavi i puno pažnje, i potom otišli na spavanje.
Ujutro, kad smo se probudili, našli smo ovo:

A tiny little fairy baby lying in her nut-shell - smiling!
Malu bebu vilu kako leži u svojoj kolevci. I osmehuje se ;)


Lesley @ early play said...

This is just absolutely delightful and I did smile when I saw that little fairy baby

Make and Play said...

Thank you Lesley!

Leptir (Nataša) said...

Bok Vera!
Na mom blogu te čeka nagrada - Nice blog. Možeš ju pronaći ovdje:

Kristin said...

Beautiful! We were just thinking of planting a few clay pots of grass to house some fairy homes or other small scale dramatic play, but this idea is perfect! Thanks for sharing!