23 Nov 2011

Dancing pastels / Pasteli koji plešu

 I found a beautiful surprise today: I got a nice blog award from Natasha of Leptir -montessori blog. Thank you, Natasha! This award has 2 rules: specify 3 songs that are imopratnt to you and tell what you dreamed about.
I always have a problem when I have to specify things I really like. They kinda disappear out of my head. So instead of specifying 3 songs that are important to me, I decided to do another thing: these days V and I are listening to a CD that we got with this book. V loves it! We never did any art activities related to music before (I never found it inspirational), but since we are listening this CD all the time, I decided to give it a try. 
We imagined that our pastels danced to the music, and here is what V's dances looked like:

Danas sam našla divno iznenađenje: dobila sam nagradu Nice blog! od Nataše (Leptir - montessori blog). Hvala Nataša! Ova nagrada ima dva pravila: navesti tri pesme koje su važne za vas i ispričati san koji ste sanjali.
Uvek mi je problem kada treba da nabrojim stvari koje volim. Kao da tada iščeznu iz glave. Zato, umesto da nabrojim 3 pesme koje su mi važne, odlučila sam da uradim sledeće: ovih dana V i ja slušamo CD koji smo dobili zajedno sa ovom knjigom. V ga obožava. Nikada nismo radili likovne aktivnosti sa slušanjem muzike (nikada mi to nije bilo inspirativno), ali kako ovaj CD slušamo stalno, odlučila sam da probam. Zamislili smo da pasteli plešu uz muziku i evo, kako su V-ovi pasteli plesali:

1. Offenbach: Can Can  

2. Brahms: Hungarian dance No5

3. Tchaikovsky: 'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy' from The Nutcraker 

5. Mozart: Sonata in C major K.545 (Movement I. Allegro)

And, I must admit that I found this activity very interesting and fun. The dancing pastels really helped us hear the music better! And we all enjoyed it. Even Baby Z danced with us and her pastels! 
So, these compositions were for the songs, and this one is for the dream:
Moram priznati da sam nepravedno bila potcenila ovu aktivnost! Plesanje pastelom po papiru nam je zaista pomoglo da bolje čujemo muziku! Svi smo uživali, čak je i Beba Z plesala sa nama i sa svojim pastelima.
Dakle, ovo su bile kompozicije umesto 3 pesme, a ova koja sledi je umesto sna:


Lesley @ early play said...

Hi there as a dance teacher and artist I just love this idea

Make and Play said...

Thank you, Lesley. It's nice to hear that a dance teacher appreciates this idea!

boatbaby said...

What a sweet idea! And thank you so much for the award, I truly appreciate it!

Kristin said...

Love it! Thank you so much for the award! I am truly honored :-)

jenny @ let the children play said...

When I was in primary school I vividly remember a student teacher asking us to draw as we listened to Debussy (sp?) - I think it was called Sur la Mer or something like that. Such a wonderful idea, and one I had completely forgotten about.

And thank you for the award - makes me feel very special :)