18 Sept 2011

A Swing / Ljuljaška

Here is another handmade 'toy' that papa V made of 'the rope' and wood. A swing! I am not quite sure what kind of wood it is, but it's red-ish color is just so so beautiful! 

Ovo je još jedna 'igračka' koju je tata V napravio od dotičnog kanapa i drveta. Nisam sigurna koje je drvo u pitanju, ali ima prelepu crvenkastu boju!

V was so happy to help his papa make the swing (even though it just meant pushing the rope through the hole :), but even happier trying it out, which was not easy at all. This swing also (as the rope ladder) requires using a special technique - finding balance and using the strength of arm muscles, in order to sit and swing. At first, V seemed kinda disappointed not being able to swing immediately and easily, I thought he would dislike it and give up trying, but a little practice here and there, and mostly pretending to be  Mowgli, his favourite book character, and - voila! He swings like a small jungle monkey, (or should I say 'a little frog'?) and he loves his swing for helping him be one!

V je bio presrećan što je pomogao tati da napravi ljuljašku (iako je to značilo da samo provuče kanap kroz rupu :), ali još srećniji da je isproba, što nije bilo nimalo lako. Ova ljuljaška (kao i ove merdevine), zahteva da se savlada određena tehnika - da se pronađe ravnoteža i da se upotrebi snaga mišića ruku, kako bi se na njoj sedelo i ljuljalo. V je u početku delovao pomalo razočarano jer nije uspeo odmah da se ljulja, pomislila sam da mu se zbog toga neće dopasti i da će odustati od daljeg pokušavanja. Međutim, malo vežbe tu i tamo, a naročito uživljavanja u ulogu Moglija, omiljenog lika iz knjiga, i - voila! Ljulja se kao pravo malo majmunče iz džungle (ili treba reći žabica?), i obožava svoju ljljašku koja mu omogućava da to i bude.


Ninočka said...

Hocu i jaaa! Koja uzivancija!

Kristin said...

This is an amazing idea! We have a TON of "tree cookies" left over from our tree cookie flooring that we had installed during the summer. I will have to put a couple to good use and make a swing. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to make a swing this summer. Thanks for sharing the DIY. Shared it here http://siayla.blogspot.ca/2014/01/got-wood-try-these-wood-crafts.html