3 Sept 2011

The Banging Wall in the woods / Šumski bubanj

The garden of our summer-house and it's backyard are huge! We always daydreamed to make a natural playspace for our kids here, so when V was born, we started making one thing at a time.
Playing music on kitchen pans and dishes is something most kids do and enjoy doing. But a Banging Wall that I saw in this book, is something I fell in love with the moment I saw it.

Dvorište naše vikendice je ogromno! Uvek smo maštali o tome da svojoj deci tu napravimo igralište od prirodnih materijala, i kad se V rodio počeli smo da pravimo jednu po jednu "igračku".
Lupanje na šerpama i loncima u kuhinji je omiljena igra mnogih mališana. Međutim kada sam videla "muzički zid" od šerpi i poklopaca u ovoj knjizi, oduševila sam se i znala da ćemo morati i mi da napravimo nešto slično!

We made our first Banging Wall when V was 1,5 years old in the backyard of the  house. We all loved it. But, the strings got rotten from rain, snow and sun, and the Banging Wall fell apart, so we had to make it again, this time with boat-strings, that don't get rotten. V is big enough now to help in the process: washing old pans, holding and tying them, but mostly enjoying the  water on his little feet.

Naš prvi "muzički zid", tj. šumski bubanj, kako su ga nazvali naši prijatelji, napravili smo u šumici iz kuće kada je V imao 1,5 godinu. Svima nam se dopao.
Ali, kanap, s kojim smo povezali šerpe i lonce, je istrulio od kiše, snega i sunca, i naš šumski bubanj se raspao, tako da smo morali ponovo da ga napravimo, ovoga puta sa brodskim kanapom koji ne truli.
V. je sada dovoljno veliki te je mogao da pomaže u izradi: u pranju šerpi, pridržavanju i vezivanju, mada najviše u prskanju vodom i pljuskanju barica.

And of course - experimenting with the different sounds that the pans of different shape and size produce,  while interrupting the beautiful and relaxing sounds of nature - the one of birds and crickets! 

I naravno, u istraživanju različitog zvuka koje šerpe različitih oblika i veličina proizvode, narušavajući pri tom, pomalo grubo, nežne i opuštajuće zvuke prirode - cvrkut ptica i zujanje zrikavaca. Tek toliko da se označi prisustvo dece.


gospodja Tralalalinski said...

ovo je tako divno!

Make and Play said...

Hvala, Ana :)

Sun Hats & Wellie Boots said...

This is such a wonderful idea. I love it! Sharing it on facebook page now :)

Make and Play said...

Thank you, Catherine!

Rashmie @ MommyLabs said...

Visiting here via It's Playtime.

This is such a beautiful idea and the most eco-friendly way to create a play space using those discarded kitchen utensils.

I love the pictures!

Make and Play said...

Thank you, Rashmie :)

Ellie said...

Just hopped across from It's Playtime at the Imagination Tree, just wanted to say what a fantastic beautiful banging wall and your pictures of it are absolutely gorgeous - inspirational - thanks for sharing.

Make and Play said...

Dear Ellie, thank you so much!