8 Sept 2011

A big wall painting / Slikanje na zidu

In the corner of our backyard there is a small brick shed that was once ment for chicken. We never liked it, because it was a kind of construction that absolutely did not fit into this beautiful nature space. So after a little thinking what to do with it to make it more appropriate and 'acceptable', we came to the idea to paint the red brick wall in white, and make a surface for painting!

U dnu našeg dvorišta nalazi se jedna mala šupa od crvenih cigli, koja je nekada bila namenjena kokoškama, dok je deda još bio živ. Nikada nam se nije dopadala, jer se uopšte nije uklapala u ovaj prirodni, šumski ambijent. Nakon malo razmišljanja o tome šta da uradimo s njom, kako bismo je učinili prikladnijom i za nas prihvatljivijom, došli smo na ideju da crveni zid od cigala ofarbamo u belo i tako napravimo podlogu za slikanje.

And here it is! Perfect for large-scale painting! Perfect for messy art! Perfect for clean-up! And perfect for being outside! 

I evo ga! Savršen za slikanje širokim četkama! Savršen za mazanje, brljanje bojama i potom čišćenje, jer je napolju! 

And what I like the most about it is that kids (and parents) can paint together! It is that big!

I ono što najviše volim u vezi sa ovim zidom je što deca (i odrasli) mogu zajedno da slikaju! Eto toliki je taj zid.


Ninočka said...

Predivno, dodje mi da sazidam kokošinjac :). Baš veselo!

gospodja Tralalalinski said...

Kakav veseli zid! Divno!

milica said...

divno, divno...u potrazi za zidom pozdravljam vas...

3xmama said...

Sigurna sam da imate najlepsi kokosinjac u kraju. I sire :-)

Zid izgleda tako vedro i veselo!

Make and Play said...

:)) hvala drugari!!!

Lee Good said...

Who would think a horrible brick wall counld turn out so beautiful!

Make and Play said...

@ GNN :)) yes, who would think! thanks!

Melissa @ The Chocolate Muffin Tree said...

This So Beautiful! Inspirational! I'm sharing this on FB!

Make and Play said...

Thank you, Melissa!

Make and Play said...


Vicky @ Mess For Less said...

So colorful! I just love it! I am a new follower from It's Playtime. Vicky @ www.messforless.net

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! And so engaging for the kids.

Make and Play said...

Thank you, Allie