Sweet Baby Z loves doing everything she sees that her older brother is doing. Since he draws so often, she started drawing as well very early.
Slatka Beba Z voli da radi sve što i njen stariji brat. Pošto on često crta i ona je vrlo rano počela da ga oponaša u tome.
She has her own drawing notebook, which I dedicated to her so I could keep all her early drawings in one place. But, she draws on other papers as well.
Ona ima svoju svesku, koju sam joj namenila kako bih mogla da sačuvam na jednom mestu njene prve crteže. Međutim, često crtamo i na običnim papirima.
She mostly uses these Stabilo Woody 3 in 1 pencils which are excellent for toddlers because they are large enough (she can't harm herself and they are easy to hold), they are non-toxic (which is importatnt since they usualy end up in her mouth), and they can be used in three different ways: as pencils, pastels or aquarelle paint if mixed with water.
Najčešće koristimo ove Stabilo Woody 3 u 1 olovke koje su odlične za rani uzrast, jer su debele (dete ne može da se povredi i lako ih drži u ruci), nisu otrovne (što je važno, jer često završavaju u ustima), i mogu se koristiti na tri različita načina: kao olovke, pasteli ili akvarel boje (razlivaju se u dodiru sa vodom). U Beogradu se mogu naći u knjižari Papir Color.
But, since her brother V likes drawing mostly with markers and has them in literarly every room in the house, baby Z also draws with them. That's the reason why I always look to buy washable markers, because even though I teach her to draw only "on paper", I often find little scribbles in the most unusual places in the house (the soap conpartment of the dishwasher for example), which is so so sweet and always make me smile.
Međutim, pošto V najviše voli da crta flomasterima i ima ih u svakoj prostoriji u kući i beba Z rado crta s njima. Zato vodim računa da uvek kupim flomastere koji se skidaju i peru sa vodom, jer bez obzira što je učim da se crta "samo po papiru", vrlo često naiđem na male žvrlje na najneobičnijim mestima po kući (npr. u odeljku za deterdžent-tabletu u mašini za pranje sudova), što mi redovno izmami osmeh na lice.
Beautiful! Love seeing parents who support art early on!
Thank you, Rebekah!
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