11 Sept 2012

A Raft / Splav

Twigs and string - a beautiful combination! I think that everything made of twigs and string - is just beautiful!

Grančice i kanap - prelepa kombinacija. Čini mi se da je sve što je napravljeno od grančica i kanapa - jednostavno prelepo!

V was thinking and talking about boats and ships these past few days and wondering how to make a boat for his imagination travells around the world. I saw that he was realy puting an effort to figure out how a boat can be built. So instead of just talking about it, I suggested we make one, and since there are a lot of twigs all around the forest,  we decided to make a raft first. It is a simplest boat after all. And I got so surprised when I saw how little help he actually needed from me. He made two of them - one for himself, and one for baby Z.

V je proteklih dana puno razmišljao i pričao o brodovima i čamcima za svoja zamišljena putovanja po svetu i smišljao, smišljao kako da napravi sebi jedan čamac. Pošto ovde u šumi ima puno grančica, predložila sam mu da prvo napravimo jedan splav. Iznenadila sam se koliko mu je malo pomoći sa moje strane bilo potrebno. Napravio je dva splava - jedan sebi i jedan bebi Z.

After that he put them in water to see if they sink or float.  Where did he get that from? We never talked about that. He put different toys and items to see how they behave. He even put some small rocks, counting how many of them can he put before they drawned the raft.

Posle je tražio da ih stavimo u lavor sa vodom da vidimo da li tonu ili plutaju. Odakle mu to? Nikad nismo pričali o tome.  Stavljao  je različite predmete na splavove i ispitivao da li tonu ili plutaju.  A kamenčići? Koliko kamenčića može da se stavi na splav, pre nego što počne da tone? Eto, to su njegova razmišljanja.  


Marla said...

That looks like fun! I bet he enjoyed it a lot!

Unknown said...

What a fun activity! I would love for you to add this to my link-up. I am a new co-host at Mom's Library Link-up every Wednesday.


huana said...
