2 Aug 2012

Plum Jam / Džem od šljiva

What I love most about our summers here, in nature, is, not only the fact that we are outdoors all day long, but also being so close and connected to the nature and it's processes. I think that it is very important for children (specially those who live and grow in urban cities) to be able to be part of these life-processes and partcipate in them when ever possible. Here are some photos from last year when we made plum jam together with the kids, and even though baby Z was only one-year-old - even she did help as much as she could and wanted. And just how many things one can learn in just being outside in nature! 

Ono što najviše volim u vezi sa našim boravkom ovde, u prirodi, je ne samo činjenica da smo sve(!) vreme napolju, već i to što smo na neki način spojeni sa prirodom i što imamo priliku da pratimo ili čak budemo deo njenih procesa. Mislim da je za decu (naročito za onu decu koja žive i rastu u  velikim gradovima) vrlo važno da budu deo ovih prirodnih i životnih procesa kad god je to moguće. Ovo su prošlogodišnje fotografije - kada smo svi zajedno pravili džem od šljiva. Čak je i beba Z, koja je tada imala samo godinu dana, pomagala - onoliko koliko je mogla i želela. 

1 comment:

huana said...

Etikete su zakon!