18 Oct 2011

A Teepee and A Few Snakes / Vigvam i nekoliko zmija

Big branches for a teepee... Velike grane za vigvam...

...small branches for little snakes... ... grančice za zmijice...

...some tied scarves for a big snake - Kaa (from The Jungle Book)...

...nekoliko zavezanih marama za veliku zmiju Ka (iz Knjige o džungli)...

...a flying (magic) carpet...  ...jedan leteći ćilim...

...a boy and his imagination... ...dečak i njegova mašta...

Not much is needed for hours and hours of unineterrupted kid's play. And a happy mama.

Nije puno potrebno za sate i sate dečje igre i jednu srećnu mamu.

11 Oct 2011

The Water Way / Put vode

I saw this beautiful Water wall for the first time at the wonderful blog Let the children play - a perfect  'toy' for hot summer days! Since then I've been stumbling upon different water walls around the web, until we decided to make our own. Pouring water and watching it run down and through the bottles and pipes is not only refreshing but also exciting and relaxing at the same time. 

Prvi put sam videla ovaj 'vodeni zid' na fantastičnom blogu Let the children play - savršenu 'igračku' za vruće, letnje dane! Od tada sam nailazila na 'vodene zidove' puno puta na mnogim blogovima, dok nismo odlučili da i sami napravimo svoj. Sipanje i posmatranje vode kako teče kroz providne flaše i cevi je ne samo osvežavajuće, nego i uzbudljivo i opuštajuće u isto vreme. 

7 Oct 2011

A Treehouse / Kućica na drvetu

So, where did this spider web lead? Actually - nowhere. Well, not exactly nowhere, but to a beautiful spot under a green tree top. The only problem was that one couldn't stay in this spot, since there was not a deck, a place to sit or stand. So, naturally, we decided to make a treehouse, and in a few days, papa V was done!

Dakle, gde je vodila ova paukova mreža? Zapravo - nigde. Ustvari, ne baš nigde, već do jednog prelepog mesta u krošnji drveta. Jedini problem je bio što na ovom mestu u krošnji nije moglo da se boravi, jer nije postojala platforma na kojoj bi se stajalo ili sedelo, tako da se ideja o kućici na drvetu nametnula sama od sebe. Za nekoliko dana, tata V je napravio ovo: