V loves animals so much and everything that has to do with them: he loves to read books about them, draw them, visit them at farms and the zoo when ever possible (every day if possible!), watch Animal Planet, and of course, pretend to be some animal the whole day long! He imitates them so well - their sounds and their movements. So, when I saw these tails, I knew they would be a perfect birthday gift for him, and decided to make them. Since I don't knit, but Grandma J knits perfectly, I asked if she would knit a set of five different tails for V. So she did. And here they are.
V obožava životinje i sve što je u vezi sa njima: voli da čita knjige o njima, da ih crta, obilazi na farmama i zoološkom vrtu kad god je to moguće (svaki dan ako je moguće!), gleda emisije o njima i Animal Planet, i naravno, svaki dan se pretvara da je neka životinja! Odlično ih imitira - zvuke koje ispuštaju i njihove pokrete. Kad sam videla ove repove, pomislila sam da bi to bio savršen rođendanski poklon za njega. Pošto ja ne umem da štrikam, ali baba J. štrika savršeno, zamolila sam je da napravi pet različitih repova za V-a poput njih. Tako je i učinila. I evo ih.
A few days ago, when we went for a walk in the woods, V was so excited to put his tiger tail on and be a real tiger in the wood. He enjoyed the woods and the walk so much thanks to the tail! I think that he would be able to walk for hours if needed!
Kada smo, pre nekoliko dana, otišli u šetnju u šumu, V je bio jako uzbuđen što će moći da okači tigrov rep i što će biti pravi pravcati tigar u šumi. Uživao je u šumi i šetnji zahvaljujući repu! Da je trebalo, mislim da bi bio u stanju da hoda satima! Potpuno se bio uživeo u ulogu tigra!
What I like about these tails is that they are just a small detail, and not the whole dress-up costume, but even so this small detail has such a wonderful power to boost the imagination and completely transform the charachter!
Ono što volim u vezi sa ovim repovima je to što su oni samo detalj, a ne celi kostimi za prerušavanje, i to što čak i tako mali detalj ima tako veliku moć da izazove maštu i potpuno transformiše karakter!