13 Mar 2014

Cork stamps / Pečati od pampura

For years I collected cork from wine bottles. I don't know why. They were nice to me. The same, yet different from each other. Small variations of the same: form, color, texture. I've always been attracted to that. In addition, I liked the process of collecting, which lasted, then occasional stains, trace of wine, or damages that the cork would earn when opening a bottle. Small (non)perfection.

Godinama sam skupljala pampure od plute. Ne znam zašto. Bili su mi lepi. Isti, a opet svaki drugačiji od ostalih. Male varijacije u istom: obliku, boji, teksturi. Uvek me je to privlačilo. Pored toga dopao mi se sam proces sakupljanja koji je trajao, zatim poneka fleka, trag od vina, ili okrnjenost koju bi pampur zaradio prilikom otvaranja flaše. Sitne (ne)savršenosti.

"I could make something out of them" I thought.
Then, one day, when V was about 4 years old, while watching him copying letters from various inscriptions, I thought: letter and number stamps!
And so this gift was made that V got for his birthday.

"Od njih bih mogla nešto napraviti", pomislila sam.
Onda, jednog dana, kada je V imao oko 4 godine, posmatrajući ga kako precrtava slova sa različitih natpisa, pomislih: Pečati sa slovima i brojevima.
I tako nastade ovaj poklon koji je V dobio za rođendan.

My friend Marko Crnobrnja helped me in making the letters that are attached to the cork. Of course, my dear friend, the carpenter, made ​​the wooden stand for the stamps, and the bookbinder made the box. Papa V, as always, made ​​the photos. I thank them all from the heart!

U izradi slova koja su zalepljena na plutu pomogao mi je moj prijatelj Marko Crnobrnja. Naravno, moj dragi prijatelj stolar je napravio drveni stalak za pečate, a knjigovezac – kutiju. Tata V je, kao i uvek, napravio fotke. Hvala im svima od srca!