7 Jan 2013

Carrots for New Year / Šargarepe za novu godinu

Last year I made these carrots in the soil as a New Year's present for baby Z (yes, it takes me that much to write a post :). Everything is handsewn: the carrots and the soil. The carrots are made of some orange cotton fabric filled with cotton, the pedicles - of some green felt, and the soil is a piece of sponge cut in the middle to form a furrow and overlayed with a piece of some rough but soft brown felt. 

Prošle godine sam napravila ove šargarepe i parče zemlje kao novogodišnji poklon za bebu Z (toliko mi je vremena bilo potrebno da napišem ovaj post :). Sve je rukom napravljeno: šargarepe su sašivene od narandžastog pamučnog platna koje sam napunila vatom, peteljke - od zelenog filca, a zemlja - od komada debelog sunđera koji je zasečen po sredini kako bi se formirala brazda i presvučen mekim ali neravnim filcom braon boje.
Baby Z loved and still loves her little carrots! She, and her brother as well, played with them the whole year long: they planted them, pulled them out of the soil, cooked them, carried them arround in baskets and fed other toys with them, and even used them as swords for swordplay! Did I mention how much I enjoyed making them, and how much I enjoyed watching them playing so much with them? So, I think I might say that this was a good present!

Bebi Z su se dopale njene male šargarepe i još uvek ih voli. Ona, ali i njen brat su se igrali s njima cele godine. I to dosta: sadili su ih u zemlju, zalivali, brali i vadili iz zemlje, kuvali ih, nosili okolo u korpama i hranili njima druge igračke, stavljali na glavu kao zečje uši, mačevali se s njima. Da li sam pomenula koliko sam uživala praveći ove šargarepice? I koliko sam uživala posmatrajući decu kako se s uživanjim igraju s njima. Dakle, smem li da primetim, da su ove šargarepice ispale pun pogodak, i da konstatujem da su bile zaista dobar poklon za 2012. godinu?